Saskatoon Votes: What you need to know for election day
Voting takes place Oct. 26

Municipal elections are set for Oct. 26.
In Saskatoon, people will cast ballots for a mayor and a council member for their ward; there are 10 wards in the city.
- EXTERNAL LINK: Saskatoon's Election 2016 website
Here is some information about the voting process:
When will the vote happen?
Saskatoon, like other municipalities, is voting on Wednesday, Oct. 26. In Saskatoon, polls will open at 8 a.m. CST and close at 8 p.m.
Who can vote?
To vote you must:
- Be a Canadian citizen.
- Be at least 18 years old, as of Oct. 26.
- Have lived in Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months before voting day.
- Have been a resident of Saskatoon for at least three consecutive months before voting day. Those who have owned assessable land in the city for at least three consecutive months before voting day may also vote for mayor and ward councillor, but not the school boards.
Are there rules for people temporarily away?
A person who is temporarily absent from their usual place of residence does not lose their resident status. If a person has more than one home in the province, they must choose one as his or her residence.
How do I register to vote?
There is no voters list, but each voter will be required to sign a declaration at a polling station declaring they are eligible to vote. Each voter will also be required to show appropriate identification.
What ID do I need to vote?
You need ID with your name and address in order to vote.
- One piece of government-issued photo ID that shows your name and address.
- Two pieces of ID: One that shows your name and another that shows your name and address. This can include a utility bill or credit card statement issued to you in the last six months.
- If you do not have the acceptable identification, you can also have another voter vouch for you. That person must have acceptable identification, be eligible to vote in Saskatoon and fill out a form.
- EXTERNAL LINK: Voter identification
Where do I vote?
Each eligible voter must vote in the ward in which he or she lives. If you reside outside of Saskatoon but are eligible to vote in the election because you own property within the city, you must vote in the ward where the property is located.
- EXTERNAL LINK: Online poll finder
Were there advance polls?
Advance voting was available at city hall and a number of shopping malls, ending on Saturday, Oct. 22.
Use of AutoMARK machines, which help voters with mobility issues in their hands mark a ballot, were also only available during advance polls.
Advance polls show 14,772 citizens have already cast ballots this year. That's a significant leap from the 2012 municipal election, where 9,830 Saskatoon citizens voted in advance.
Special polls for people who are in hospital or are homebound
Voters who are patients in any of Saskatoon's hospitals on election day will have the opportunity to vote at the hospital. Workers will provide bedside voting to any patients unable to vote at the hospital's location. Bedside voting will take place between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- Royal University Hospital — fifth floor north atrium — 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
- City Hospital — third floor atrium bridge — 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
- St. Paul's Hospital — fifth floor hub — 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
A mobile poll is available for those who are homebound, due to disability or limited mobility. However, an application was required to be filled out by Friday, Oct. 14 in order to utilize the mobile poll.
Accessible voting
Use of AutoMARK machines, which help voters with mobility issues in their hands mark a ballot, were also only available during advance polls.
Voters with mobility issues who were unable to use the advance polls can bring a friend to assist them on election day. Election officials will also be able to help any voters who require assistance.
Magnifying devices are available at all polls, on request.
Is transit available for free on election day?
A pass is available for people to download and carry with them, allowing them to ride Saskatoon Transit free on election day. You do not need a printed pass; you can download the card and display it on your phone.
The pass can be used multiple times on all routes.
- EXTERNAL LINK: election transit pass
Access Transit riders can use the election transit pass on election day as well.
How many wards are there in Saskatoon?
There are 10 wards. The Saskatoon Election 2016 website provides information about who is running for mayor and council here.
How does the voting system work?
For municipal elections, for mayor and council, the first-past-the-post system is used. That means each voter is allowed to cast one vote for one of the candidates in their ward and one vote for mayor.
The candidates with the most votes win.