Saskatoon police naming gym after former officer facing terminal cancer
Chief Clive Weighill made announcement at special Queen's Bench ceremony for Bruce Gordon

Saskatoon Police are honouring a former member who is facing terminal cancer by naming its gymnasium after him.
Chief Clive Weighill made the announcement at a special ceremony Thursday at Saskatoon's Court of Queen's Bench to call Bruce Gordon to the bar.
This is typically an event held in autumn to honour that spring's law graduates. But Gordon has been diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer, so the court arranged a special ceremony.
The diagnosis came earlier this month, in the same week that Gordon officially began practising law.
Bruce Gordon served as a Saskatoon Police officer for almost three decades, moving up the through the ranks from patrol officer to detective sergeant in the sex crimes and homicide units.
At age 50, he went back to school at the University of Saskatchewan to study law.
At the same time, the former Saskatoon Blades captain also ran marathons, triathalons and competed in national Crossfit competitions.