Saskatoon police issue 1st ticket for using cannabis in a car
Passenger slapped with $360 fine

Three days after recreational pot was legalized in Canada, the Saskatoon Police Service has issued the first ticket for consuming cannabis in a vehicle.
A woman received a $360 ticket after an officer observed her consuming cannabis in a car Saturday morning, Saskatoon police said in a tweet.
The tweet also clarified that the woman was a passenger in the vehicle, not the driver.
Well that didn’t take long. A woman was issued a $360 ticket under the Cannabis Control (SK) Act early this morning after an <a href="">@SPSTraffic</a> member observed her consuming cannabis in a vehicle (as a passenger). Some people must not have believed us when we said that wasn’t legal <a href="">#yxe</a>
The ticket was issued under Saskatchewan's Cannabis Control Act.
Besides vehicles, the Act also prohibits cannabis consumption in public places including alleys, sidewalks, community parks, playgrounds and school yards.
Usage in any of these places is "a ticketable $200 offence," said Police Chief Troy Cooper.