Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan making history with all-female cast
J. Caesar features seven actors playing eight different characters
Anita Smith is excited to make history.
For the first time, a Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan production will feature an all-female cast. Smith is directing seven women in a unique adaptation of Julius Caesar.
"What's different for an audience is that we typically don't see women playing these really powerful, bigger than life, kinds of roles," Smith explained on Saskatoon Morning today.
"I guess the difference that we bring to it, is we never thought we were ever going to the opportunity to do this."

The play, J. Caesar, is set four-hundred years in the future in a post-apocalyptic environment. Normally, the script for Julius Caesar would require just two female actors. But Smith said opening up all the roles to women was liberating for the actors.
"Mark Antony's speech, which is now Antonia's speech, at the funeral of Caesar; Heather Morrison is playing Antonia. She actually said 'I'd never thought I would get to say these words.'"
Getting out of the way
This is Smith's directorial debut. A veteran of Saskatoon's theatre scene who grew up near Abbey, Sask., Smith knew she was working with a strong cast confident in their abilities.
That meant allowing the actors the freedom to explore their roles.
"Mainly I just stay out of their way. I only chime in when I think the story is going in a direction that doesn't serve us. So really, I let them do their own thing until I start to see us going off the tracks."
J. Caesar is one of three productions being put on this summer along the banks of the South Saskatchewan. It will share the stage with A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Roving Show.
Tonight is opening night for A Midsummer Night's Dream while J. Caesar premiere's Thursday. The plays run until August 21 and tickets can be purchased online.