Star Wars jumps generational gap for Saskatchewan family
Grandpa, son, grandson bond over love of series
One of the key themes behind Star Wars is the relationship between a father and son. So, it's fitting that the films attract fans across the generational gap
Meet the Wilsons - Dave, Clayton and Dylan – all fans of the Star Wars series.
This love of a tale that takes place far, far away begins in 1970s rural Saskatchewan with Grandpa Dave who ventured out on a stormy night to see storm troopers take on young Luke Skywalker.
It was a story line that gripped me.- Clayton Wilson
"It was either raining or snowing and it was a hard trip," he said.
For Dave Wilson, it was worth it. For Grandpa Wilson, Star Wars was out of this world.
"I come from the generation where they used to have space ships hanging on a string, you know, stuff like that, eh."
All three generations were guests today on CBC Radio's Saskatoon Morning.
"It was a story line that gripped me, the father and son thing," said Clayton Wilson.
Clayton's first exposure to the "force" came in the theatre when his dad Dave took him to see The Empire Strikes Back, and so when his own boy Dylan was old enough, he sat him down in front of the TV to welcome him to the story.
"I kind of watched his face as we were watching the first one…I could see him getting more and more into it as time went on in the movies and by the time we got to Return of the Jedi you really couldn't shut it off, he wouldn't let me shut it off and so we had to set aside a whole day."
"I was excited and I really, really liked it," said Dylan Wilson.
Dylan and his dad have tickets to see the new movie tonight in Saskatoon.
"I think the new episode will have really, really good special effects and more new characters."