Sentencing hearing for teen who killed Saskatoon baby pushed back
The sentencing hearing for a 17-year-old girl who admitted killing a six-week-old baby in Saskatoon is delayed until the fall.
Nikosis Cantre's grandfather calls the delay a 'disappointment'

The sentencing hearing for a teenage girl who admitted to killing six-week-old Nikosis Cantre last year in Saskatoon is on hold until the fall.
"Disappointment," said Cantre's grandfather, Jeffrey Longman, outside court.
"I think she should be sentenced already."
One of the issues is whether the teen should be sentenced as an adult. The 17-year-old pleaded guilty to second-degree murder.
Crown and defence are preparing sentencing submissions in the case.
The lawyers are waiting for reports that will describe the teen's First Nation background, and the impact of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder on her actions.
The girl had escaped from the KiIlburn Hall youth facility in Saskatoon days before the baby died.