University of Saskatchewan medical college working to get off probation
Curriculum changes already in play

Dr. Kent Stobart knows probation.
He helped the University of Alberta medical school get off probation.
Now, he's at the University of Saskatchewan. He's been appointed to the newly-created position of Vice-Dean, Education, for the College of Medicine.
Three days into the job, he's already met with students. He told Saskatoon Morning's Leisha Grebinski that he's impressed with the quality.
"Something is going right. It's just a matter of getting the accreditation monkey off our backs so we can go on," he said.
The college was placed on probation in 2013.
Stobart said that the school's curriculum came under particular scrutiny, and that changes have already been made.
"Most of them would be around curriculum. The school has, prior to my arrival, gone to a totally new curriculum ... It's more what's the curriculum that's being done across Canada now," he said.
The Canadian and American bodies responsible for accreditation visited the campus this spring.
The college will get their detailed findings next month.