Sask. erects 1st official roadside memorial
Signs north of Saskatoon will honour Van de Vorst family, killed in 2016 by a drunk driver
For years, loved ones have left flowers and teddy bears at the site of roadside tragedies.
On Tuesday, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) unveiled Saskatchewan's first official roadside memorial for victims of impaired driving, north of Saskatoon.

The signs will honour Jordan and Chanda Van de Vorst, along with their five-year-old daughter, Kamryn, and two-year-old son, Miguire Van de Vorst.
The family of four was killed a year and a half ago, when a drunk driver blew through the intersection of Wanuskewin Road and Highway 11.

Linda and Lou Van de Vorst will attend the unveiling ceremony north of Saskatoon.
They'll be joined by Marie Mierau, Chanda's mother, deputy premier Don Morgan, Saskatoon Police Chief Clive Weighill, and Patricia Hynes-Coates, the president of MADD Canada.
The province and MADD Canada call the signs a symbol of remembrance and a reminder to the public about the dangers of impaired driving.

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