Saskatoon zombie run raises money for non-profit community clinic
This is fourth year SWITCH has hosted a zombie run in Saskatoon

Leading up to Halloween there will be some zombies in Donna Birkmaier Park, but these walking dead aren't looking for candy — they're part of a 3-kilometre run.
The Saskatoon Student Wellness Initiative Toward Community Health Inc. (SWITCH) organized the event to help fund their programs. SWITCH is a non-profit drop in clinic in Pleasant Hill. It aims to give after-hour health service to people in the core of Saskatoon.
"There really any drop in clinics open past 4:00 p.m. so we extend those hours till 8 p.m. two nights a week plus," said Brittany Acton, project coordinator for SWITCH.
At their facilities people can access clinical care, gynaecology, social workers and several other services. It also offers child care and teaching opportunities on the social determinants of health.
Acton says during her time at the clinic she's seen the positive impact their services can have. A woman and her family, who have been using the clinic for a number of years, recently had a baby.
"Our social workers have been able to help them with funding to get formula for their baby, our doctors have been able to write prescriptions for her," said Acton. "Seeing the health of their baby improve just over the past eight or nine weeks, knowing it's because of our clinic has been really touching to see."
Spooky and fun fundraiser
Despite the serious nature of SWITCH's work the event is a fun way to get people out and exercising.
Each runner wears a flag football belt with two flags attached during their three kilometre run through an obstacle course. In the course there are zombies hiding, lurking and searching for brains — or flags, in this case. The zombie who captures the most flags wins the honour of being the "deadliest zombie." If you make it through the course with one or both of your flags congratulations — you survived.

If all your flags are captured then you join the ranks of the undead, though you do still have to finish the obstacle course.
"I would always pick zombie if it was me," said Acton. "Some people just like the challenge."
Then run starts at 2:00 p.m. CST on Sunday at Donna Birkmaier Park.