Algonquin school readying for Long Lake, Wanup students
More extra-curricular activities will be available to students

It's the end of an era for some elementary schools in Sudbury. After a lengthy review by the Rainbow District School Board it will close Long Lake and Wanup Public Schools.
For some at Long Lake Public School, the change is going to be hard.
Marion Maar's son, who is in Grade 2, said he's heartbroken.
"My son keeps asking, ‘why are they closing the best school in the world’," Maar said.

In September Algonquin Public School will be his new home. Although he won't have his old school, he will have his friends and his principal.
Bob Deeth, principal for Long Lake and Algonquin said, while there have been challenges with amalgamation, the transition was started early.
"Our kids have had the opportunity numerous times to get together with students from Wanup and Algonquin," Deeth said.
He added students will have more opportunities at the new school.
"We have a choir … [and] there's all the school teams — from floor hockey to the traditional volleyball, basketball."
Renovations to Algonquin are underway to accommodate the new students. Among the renovations will be a larger gymnasium.