Sudbury area records 3rd death related to COVID-19

Sudbury is reporting its third death related to COVID-19, after a resident from Amberwood Suites retirement home has died in hospital.
Public Health Sudbury and Districts declared an outbreak at the retirement home after a resident tested positive earlier this month. To date there have been 35 cases of COVID-19 associated with this outbreak among 32 residents and three staff members at the retirement home.
"On behalf of Public Health, we offer our sincere condolences to family members, friends, and caregivers affected by this loss. We understand this news is difficult for all to hear, including for those who have loved ones living in retirement homes or long-term care," said Dr. Penny Sutcliffe, medical officer of health.
"This somber event reminds our community of the importance of protecting our most vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic and is a stark reminder of the seriousness to take action to protect others. As vaccine begins to arrive locally, the phased rollout will ensure those who need it most will be at the front of the line to receive it."
The health unit says it continues to work closely with the retirement home to protect residents and staff.
Earlier this week, a province-wide state of emergency was declared, and a stay-at-home order is currently in effect, including enhanced public health and workplace safety measures are in effect as part of the provincial Shutdown.