Sudbury 'Pet Save' animal shelter in need of donations for cats, dogs
Food, litter, toys, and treats on shelter wish list

An animal shelter in Sudbury is hoping that the giving spirit of the season puts some extra kibble or cat food in hungry bellies this year.

Jill Pessot with Pet Save in Lively said the animal food bank at the shelter is always in need of supplies — but especially over the winter.
"Because our numbers go way up," she explained. "We've been very fortunate this year to be running the nice temperatures. But soon it will drop, and it will get cold in January. And we need to get as many animals off the street before they start to freeze."
On the shelter's wish list: food, dog and cat treats, cat litter, toys and dog leashes.
Pessot said Sudburians have already delivered in a big way, donating more than $4000 in supplies this month alone.
"Around Christmas time people really get into the giving mood, which is wonderful for the animals," she said. "We do get people who say, 'We give to the food bank each year, so we like to cover the animals in that as well.'"