Asymptomatic COVID-19 testing clinics scheduled for Sudbury school communities
Four local school boards each have schedules posted online of upcoming testing clinics

The four local school boards in Sudbury have started scheduling clinics for asymptomatic COVID-19 testing.
Last month the Ministry of Education expanded the rapid testing to include all schools across the province.
The voluntary tests are open to in-person learners, their households and school staff.
The Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon, Rainbow District School Board, Sudbury Catholic District School Board and Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l'Ontario are all working together to coordinate the effort.
Each school board has posted clinic schedules on their respective websites, of where and when testing is happening.
Public Health Sudbury and Districts is playing a supporting role, while a third party, GVT Labs, is conducting the tests.
"Public health is there to consult with the boards if they need support on deciding which schools to select," says Joelle Martel, a health promoter who works on the health unit's Schools and COVID team.
"Public health would also conduct case and contact management of any positive cases, as per our normal process," she added.
The health unit could also provide infection control measures during the clinics themselves.
The school boards and the local health unit decide where the testing will happen and then the boards notify the specific school community of the details for the upcoming clinic.
GVT Labs simply collects the samples at those clinics, says communications officer Irina Furman.
"We do not process the actual tests; the tests are processed in a laboratory at Sick Kids, and we are also working with other labs across Ontario," she said.
GVT Labs has the contract with the provincial government to conduct the asymptomatic COVID-19 tests in schools across Ontario.
Rapid and PCR tests both available
Furman explains that GVT has registered nurses (RNs) who set up at the various school clinics and conduct the tests.
Most of the asymptomatic COVID-19 tests are rapid tests, where results are known within an hour. However, if the result is positive for the virus, then a full PCR test will be conducted at the school site.
All positive results are forwarded on to Public Health Sudbury and Districts, or the local health unit for other provincial regions, to conduct contact tracing.
Pre-register or walk-in
Furman says there are two options if someone is interested in going or having their child go for testing.
"A parent can either pre-register their child using the link that was sent to them by the school board, or they can simply walk in at the time of a testing session and go through registration and consent process on the spot," she said.
If someone walks-in to one of the testing clinics, they still must be connected to that specific school community.
"I know the volume is quite large in Sudbury," Furman says about the overall testing so far in the city.
"We definitely account for walk-ins so wait times are expected, but they're definitely not long."