Markus Schwabe


Markus Schwabe is the host of Morning Northon CBC Radio 1, based in Sudbury. You can reach him by e-mail at or find him on Twitter @cbcmarkus.

Latest from Markus Schwabe


'Demand is opportunity': Sudbury centre set to expand with wait lists for carpenter training

This training centre in Sudbury is expanding to meet the growing need for carpenters, which is often listed as one of the reasons new housing isn't getting built fast enough in northern Ontario.

Sudbury crane operator enjoys his time in the sky building 17-storey housing project

There aren't many tower cranes in Ontario's north, but Mark Edwards has the best view of Sudbury from one. The 50-year-old crane operator is using a bright yellow crane to build the Manitou project, a 17-storey housing complex on a rock hill near the downtown.

North Bay, Ont. transitional housing complex expanding with 24 more units

The Northern Pines transitional housing complex in North Bay houses 52 people and is about to expand with 24 more apartments.

Sudbury, Ont., sisters crowned local spelling bee champions

By spelling the word "coronation" this month, Sophia Mathew was crowned champion in the Junior category (ages 9-11) of the Greater Sudbury Regional Competition of the Spelling Bee of Canada.

This Sault Ste. Marie company recreates northern Ontario landmarks out of Lego

Derek Pearce is looking to rebuild his city Lego brick by Lego brick.

'It's like having pets but they're dead': Sudbury woman transforms dead rodents into art

Carla Gagne admits her hobby is a little weird.
Summer Spin

Why it's so easy to love a 1974 VW camper

A nostalgic moment for CBC's Morning North host Markus Schwabe.

From Soup to Tomatoes: how this nurse is keeping seniors active

A program that started with a few soup cans is helping to keep northern Ontario seniors active.

Parry Sound ventriloquist spends more time trapping than talking

Professional ventriloquist Mark Crocker spends his days as a trapper in northern Ontario, and performs weekends and evenings as an entertainer across Canada.

CBC Sudbury's former office transformed into a police station for TV mini-series

Shortly after CBC Sudbury moved out of its building on Mackenzie Street, the space was rented to a production company to shoot the television mini-series "Cardinal." What was once an office space for journalists was transformed into the set of a police station for the television show.