Open the 'doors' to Wawa's back roads
Doors are 'ways in' or 'ways out' of (or to) something. We usually don't think about the door when we get to it - unless it is a particularly eye catching one; and there are some artistic ones on the back roads in northern Ontario.
Backroads Bill says 'there are many doors in the land of the big goose'
Doors are 'ways in' or 'ways out' of (or to) something.
We usually don't think about the door when we get to it — unless it is a particularly eye-catching one; and there are some artistic ones on the back roads in northern Ontario.
Backroads Bill travelled to the "Land of the Big Goose," also known as Wawa, to explore some of the area's heritage markers: decorative, stand-alone doors depicting characters from Canadian history.

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