Sudbury transit needs your input on proposed changes to bus routes

Sudbury Transit is set to begin its public input sessions into proposed changes to the city's bus network.
The city has set aside February 12 and 13 for open houses. A full list of open house locations can be found here.
The city is also making an online survey available here.
In a press release today, the city said Sudbury Transit will be working with local Community Action Networks (CANs) to help share information and provide feedback on the proposals.
In January, city staff made recommendations including the establishing of mobility hubs— areas where busses will plan to meet together to connect — at the downtown terminal, the New Sudbury Shopping Centre and the Walmart on Long Lake Road.
The first phase of public input sessions was held in the summer of 2017. The data collected from February's sessions will help finalize the transit plan, the city said.