Cambrian College wants community input on new ideas
Feedback being gathered to help college establish priorities

As Cambrian College in Sudbury starts its strategic planning process, it says it’s looking for ideas and feedback from everyone on the community, not just those connected to the school.
“When you look at a community college, we are about the community,” Bill Best, Cambrian College President said.
“No matter what I have experienced in my first three months [as president], I always find Cambrian College grads.”
He said the college wants to hear from everyone in the community about what it can do to make life better for them, whether they are an employer looking for employees, potential students of any age or their parents.
So far, Best said more than a thousand students, staff, alumni, industry partners and community members have shared ideas.
Those ideas vary and include everything from lowering tuition to a request for more pub crawls, he said.
Best admitted more pub crawls won’t likely be established as a result of a strategic planning process, but added it fits into the bigger picture of the student experience at the college.
“When you go away from home or if you’re still here in Sudbury … it’s about what your experience [is],” he said.
“It’s not just about what you learn in the classroom, it’s the holistic view.”
Best said a formal launch of the strategic plan is expected next fall.
Ideas can be submitted online or on social media by using the hashtag #futurecambrian.