Cambrian College and the Sudbury Symphony team up to offer music lessons
The goal is to pool both organizations' resources to be more sustainable in the future

A new duet has been formed in Sudbury. Cambrian College Academy of Music is teaming up with the Sudbury Symphony Orchestra to offer music lessons.
The two organizations are pooling their resources so that they can offer more stability and musical selections to students.
Jamie Arrowsmith is a music instructor at Cambrian and associate conductor of the symphony.
He says there are a lot of talented music teachers in the city and to have them work out of one place means they will reach more prospective students in different parts of the city.
Arrowsmith says the experience for current students of both organizations won't change that much. He says they can keep the same teacher, study the same repertoire and keep the same time. He says what may change is where they take their lessons.
"The teachers with the Symphony Conservatory will be using Cambrian College's physical space in the school of music to offer those lessons," he explained.
He says the only change to the Cambrian Academy of Music is that the administration will be run through the symphony.
"We are pooling our administrative resources and pooling our physical space in order to ensure the longevity of both of these organizations," he said.
Arrowsmith says they are looking at a more permanent collaboration in the future.
"The benefit will be that the teachers can continue to teach over the longer term with some stability knowing that there with be a better organizational strength."