Public health says those who attended a Halloween party in Greater Sudbury at risk of exposure to COVID
Party-goers must self-isolate and monitor for symptoms of their own accord

Public Health Sudbury and Districts (PHSD) is reporting five new cases of COVID-19 in Greater Sudbury and declaring two outbreaks as of November 10.
One of the outbreaks stems from an unauthorized Halloween party.
PHSD says anyone who attended a Halloween party on Saturday, October 31, 2020, at 955 Meadowside Avenue in Greater Sudbury is at risk of exposure to COVID-19.
The health unit says the party occurred without the homeowner's knowledge.
Anyone who attended is ordered to self-isolate, contact Public Health, and seek testing for COVID-19.
Self-isolation means not leaving home for work or school, not using public transportation, and avoiding contact with others.
It is up to those who attended to take precautions because public health does not have information to contact everyone who may have been exposed.
The health unit says it is imperative that anyone who attended this party follow public health guidance to prevent further spread of the virus.
Public Health is also reporting an outbreak at Pioneer Manor in Greater Sudbury after an employee tested positive for COVID-19.
Lilac and Mallard Units only are affected by this outbreak.
Of the newly reported cases, four are close contacts of known cases, and the one remaining is still under investigation.
There are currently 59 active cases in the Sudbury district, and 79 across the northeast.
This brings to 186 the number of positive cases diagnosed in Sudbury and Districts since the pandemic began.
Kate Rutherford