Debate over Sudbury casino continues

A Sudbury businessman says building a casino won’t help the local economy.
However the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce says a casino would provide an economic boost, but not on its own.
The only people putting money into the casino will be people from Sudbury, explained Tom Fortin, a local businessman, and added he thinks people won’t travel to the city to gamble.
"A casino removes wealth from the community and in a significant amount," he said. "There will be lots of other casinos to take care of those patrons."
The president of the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce agrees that a casino on its own won’t be enough.
Debbi Nicholson said while she supports the development of a casino, an attraction must be attached to it.
"Then chances are they would go and visit a casino as part of that other purpose," she explained.
The chamber will drop its support if plans don’t include an additional attraction, such as a convention centre.
The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation said it will announce the developer for Sudbury’s casino by the end of this year.
Sault Ste. Marie and North Bay are also slated for casinos.