E-cigarettes part of smoking ban on Sudbury school properties

A Sudbury school board is now including e-cigarettes in its ban of tobacco on school properties.
E-cigarettes contain a battery, heating coil and a cartridge containing e-juice — which is the liquid that may contain nicotine which gets vaporized when the battery powers the coil to heat up the liquid.
When someone inhales, the vapor gets drawn up by the wick. There is no smoke.
These e-cigs are becoming a popular alternative to traditional smoking, especially with youth, despite an ongoing scientific debate about how safe they might be.
Bruce Bourget, superintendent of Rainbow District Schools, said there is no smoking on school property and that includes e-cigarettes.
Bourget said the policy wasn't formally changed, it was just expanded when e-cigarettes came along.
He says students should be taught to make smart, informed choices.
“You know we also in our courses teach students critical literacy and looking at things in more detail and looking behind the marketing and hopefully they're seeing the product for what it is,” Bourget said.
A visit to the corner of Davidson and Mackenzie streets by Sudbury Secondary School reveals students may not know the danger.
Not one of the 10 students surveyed knew that e-cigarettes were banned on school property and many had already tried them.
Student Grace Tyson admits to being a smoker and says that e-cigarettes have their place.
“I feel like they're a really good way to quit," she said.
The Sudbury and District Health Unit has also recommended e-cigarettes be banned on school property.