No more messy mornings: Northern Water Sports Centre says strobe lights keep geese, and the poop, at bay
...and Morning North host Markus Schwabe takes some of the credit

The Northern Water Sports Centre in Sudbury has cleared the poop decks, and they're using a strobe light to do it.
Canadian geese used to enjoy roosting on the floating piers on Ramsey Lake every evening, according to sports centre kayak instructor Norm Lafleur.
But morning rowers and paddlers would come out to a mess on a daily basis.
"The [geese] like to roost on our docks in the evening and spending the whole evening on the docks overnight," Lafleur said. "In the morning we have a mess to clean up off the docks and that's been happening for a number of years."
"It's not a good way to start your day, doing dock cleanings," he added. "So now people using the docks are happy we haven't got any messes to clean up and the geese problem seems to have gone away."
Lafleur said the strobe, in use since mid-June, seems to interfere with the geese sleeping, and he credited the solution to an interview he heard on Morning North with host Markus Schwabe.
As a result, the sports centre has had clean decks with no muss and fuss in the morning since about mid-June.
with files from Kate Rutherford