Greater Sudbury Ward 8: campaigning on the late Fabio Belli's home turf
CBC Sudbury's ward-by-ward series of interviews with Greater Sudbury municipal election candidates.

Michael Cullen
Age: 49
Occupation: Executive Director United Way Sudbury & Nipissing Districts
Community involvement: Shared Space Sudbury - Founder, Board Member, Healthy Community Cabinet - Chair , Ward 8 Community Action Network - Community Garden Volunteer, Sudbury Theatre Centre - Board Member, United Way of Canada - Presidents Advisory Council, United Ways of Ontario Council - Board Member
Top 3 issues:
- The health, safety and well-being of Ward 8
- The debate over the regulation of store hours
- Exploring unique corporate, private and public partnership to advance our city's mandate as a world leader!
How would you have voted on the following resolutions from this past term? Please respond with yes or no.
(From Feb. 10, 2011) Should the city scrap its bylaw 2004-204 regulating when retail stores are allowed to open and close?
I feel that the option to open or close a retail establishment should be in the hands of the owners!
(From Feb. 12/26 2012) Should the city remove the Ontario Ombudsman as it's closed meeting investigator and instead retain a firm called Amberley Gavel?
We need to keep the Ombudsman
(From Dec. 5, 2012) Should the city continue to give each councillor a $50,000 Healthy Communities Initiative Fund to spend in their ward?
The funds should only be in place under the watchful eye and guidance of the well informed city staff. Not up to the councillors as they see fit
(From Oct. 9, 2013) Should the city fast-track plans for a new arena replacing the Sudbury Arena with the aim of having the project underway by the end of 2014?
I think that the city should allow private enterprise to take part in the process of planning a new state of the art entertainment/sports facility. I agree with the assessment process of seeing what is currently in place and what is needed but with the right partnership this would excel the process even quicker!
(From Dec. 11, 2013) Should council approve the 2014 budget with a 2.9% property tax increase?
I would have preferred exploring more private partnerships that would enable the cost cutting measures needed for a balanced budget. I would have voted no to the increase.

Kerry Latham
Age: 60
Occupation: Retired from the Federal Government since Dec 2012
Community involvement: Deliver Library books through the program Homebound
Top 3 issues for Ward 8:
- Seniors and young families are concerned about the rising cost of property tax, water and sewage rates. The overall increase cost of living expenses (example groceries) is resulting in the erosion of the middle class.
- The lack of oversight by city employees regarding road maintenance, infrastructure projects in Ward 8 and throughout the Greater City of Sudbury is a concern.
- Bears in our neighborhoods and lack of a proactive response from the Ministry of Natural Resources and the local police to this serious concern. This is unexceptionable as it impacts residence sense of well being and is a serious health and safety issue.
Top 3 issues for the whole city:
- That there is not to be a decrease or frozen transfer payments from the Federal / Provincial Government and their agencies as it would impact negatively on the Cities Operations and the residence of Sudbury.
- Aging infrastructure such as roads, bridges, water / sewer lines and municipal facilities.
- Planning for required residential and commercial requirements for the next 20 years.
How would you have voted on the following resolutions from this past term? Please respond with yes or no.
(From Feb. 10, 2011) Should the city scrap its bylaw 2004-204 regulating when retail stores are allowed to open and close?
No - it needs to be amended
(From Feb. 12/26 2012) Should the city remove the Ontario Ombudsman as it's closed meeting investigator and instead retain a firm called Amberley Gavel?
(From Dec. 5, 2012) Should the city continue to give each councillor a $50,000 Healthy Communities Initiative Fund to spend in their ward?
(From Oct. 9, 2013) Should the city fast-track plans for a new arena replacing the Sudbury Arena with the aim of having the project underway by the end of 2014?
(From Dec. 11, 2013) Should council approve the 2014 budget with a 2.9% property tax increase?

Gerald Perras
Age: 55
Occupation: Businessman, runs pallet recycling company
My top 3 issues for the whole city:
- Run the city like a business not a committee
- Contractor accountblity
- Transparency
My top 3 issues for my ward:
- The expansion of the industrial park on Lasalle Blvd
- The Maley Drive bypass which is long overdue
- Water parks for the kids in the summer.
How would you have voted on the following resolutions from this past term? Please respond with yes or no.
(From Feb. 10, 2011) Should the city scrap its bylaw 2004-204 regulating when retail stores are allowed to open and close?
Scrap the bylaw please.
(From Feb. 12/26 2012) Should the city remove the Ontario Ombudsman as it's closed meeting investigator and instead retain a firm called Amberley Gavel?
Keep the auditor general
(From Dec. 5, 2012) Should the city continue to give each councillor a $50,000 Healthy Communities Initiative Fund to spend in their ward?
Scrap the slush fund
(From Oct. 9, 2013) Should the city fast-track plans for a new arena replacing the Sudbury Arena with the aim of having the project underway by the end of 2014?
No on fast tracking arena.
(From Dec. 11, 2013) Should council approve the 2014 budget with a 2.9% property tax increase?
No budget approval with tax increase.

Stefano Presenza
Age: 39
Occupation: Healthcare Sales Representative
Community involvement:
I have partnered with various organizations and committees in Sudbury, and also volunteered my time with Lions Club Telethon, the March of Dimes, the Alzheimer's Society, fundraising with the local radio stations, and most recently have supported Rick Bartolucci's son Dan, with his dearest non-profit organization, the Canadian Youth Golf Alliance. I have also assisted in the cultural development of surrounding communities all the way from Warren-Markstay to Elliot Lake.
Top 3 issues for whole city:
- Ensure the continued development of arts and culture through local events, concerts and theatre
- Focus on the protection our Lakes, and development of the Northern Water Sports Centre
- The integrity, accountability and transparency in Council activities
Top 3 issues for your ward:
- the development of Maley Drive with provincial funding assistance, establishing local JOBS and better road maintenance
- improvements and developments to playgrounds, including outdoor rinks, tennis courts and potential skate parks
- a focus on planning improved safety for cyclists, avid walkers and the neighbourhood
How would you have voted on the following resolutions from this past term... please respond with yes or no...
(From Feb. 10, 2011) Should the city scrap its bylaw 2004-204 regulating when retail stores are allowed to open and close?
(From Feb. 12/26 2012) Should the city remove the Ontario Ombudsman as it's closed meeting investigator and instead retain a firm called Amberley Gavel?
(From Dec. 5, 2012) Should the city continue to give each councillor a $50,000 Healthy Communities Initiative Fund to spend in their ward?
(From Oct. 9, 2013) Should the city fast-track plans for a new arena replacing the Sudbury Arena with the aim of having the project underway by the end of 2014?
(From Dec. 11, 2013) Should council approve the 2014 budget with a 2.9% property tax increase?
Al Sizer
Age: 63
Occupation: Retired city employee after 37 years.
Community involvement: Current Councillor Ward 8, Member of Greater Sudbury Development Corporation Board of Directors, Recipient of OACFP lifetime membership for "service to family and community", Member of the Bd. of Directors , Sudbury Minor Baseball President for 10 yrs, Board Member for Special Olympics organizing committee, Ontario Summer Games
Top 3 issues for whole city:
- Transparency - I will support having the Auditor General's office made permanent and the rehiring of the Ontario Ombudsman to investigate legitimate complaints against council's conduct
- Development - provide methods to attract new industry
- Elimination of the HCI Funds in their current allocation method
Top 3 issues for your ward:
- Completion of Maley Dr.
- Conserving current inventory of Green Space
- Road/Infrastructure repair in Ward 8
How would you have voted on the following resolutions from this past term? Please respond with yes or no.
(From Feb. 10, 2011) Should the city scrap its bylaw 2004-204 regulating when retail stores are allowed to open and close?
No Comment
(From Feb. 12/26 2012) Should the city remove the Ontario Ombudsman as it's closed meeting investigator and instead retain a firm called Amberley Gavel?
(From Dec. 5, 2012) Should the city continue to give each councillor a $50,000 Healthy Communities Initiative Fund to spend in their ward?
(From Oct. 9, 2013) Should the city fast-track plans for a new arenareplacing the Sudbury Arena with the aim of having the project underway bythe end of 2014?
(From Dec. 11, 2013) Should council approve the 2014 budget with a 2.9% property tax increase?