LHIN review of potential Health Sciences North layoffs expected Friday
Hospital looking to eliminate $11.1 million deficit by 2019-2020

Health Sciences North could get the go ahead to eliminate 76 unionized positions by the end of this week, pending the results of a third-party review by the North East Local Health Integration Network (NE LHIN).
The layoff is planned as part of the Sudbury hospital's 2018-2019 budget, but was put on hold after the NE LHIN announced the review in April.
HSN CEO Dominic Giroux said he is looking forward to the results so that the hospital can move forward with its plans.
"What we heard internally when we consulted in March around the budget is people wanted us to return to a balanced position as quickly as possible, despite the tough fiscal challenges and the tough fiscal choices that had to be made," he said.
"So that the organization could refocus on its strategic plan, on the update of its capital master plan and the launch of a digital strategy, starting from a balanced position."

The hospital is looking to eliminate its $11.1 million deficit as early as the 2019-2020. Giroux said this year's budget contains the deficit to one per cent of the total operating budget.
He added that portions of the budget have already been implemented, including a reduction in non-salary expenses and the elimination of 37 management and non-unionized positions.
A spokesperson for the NE LHIN said in an email the review is in its final stages and is on track to meet the June 29 deadline.
In addition to validating HSN's budget, the review will also look at the pressures the health care system in the northeast is currently facing.