Health Sciences North staff prepare for reduced workforce
'The work is always there. They just expect a lot more with a lot less'

As Health Sciences North prepares to implement over $5 million worth of cuts, hospital staff are trying to figure out how they'll cope with the changes.
The hospital released information about its upcoming budget Wednesday. The hospital plans to save money by reducing workforce hours, closing some patient beds and eliminating vacant positions.
At a rally earlier this week, union leaders were clear about what they think the hospital cuts will mean for their members.
"The work is always there. They just expect a lot more with a lot less, which is just not going to be possible," said Dave Shelefontiuk, who represents clerical and support staff at Health Sciences North.

The hospital insists that isn't the case. Rather, in some cases it says the changes could improve patient care.
But Dr. Peter Zalan — who represents physicians at the hospital — says there's only so much that can be cut before difficult decisions need to be made.
"Other cuts will just have to mean that people have bigger work loads and there will be cuts in services."
It's still unclear when exactly the changes will happen. But in the coming weeks, Zalan said he'll meet with other physicians and community members to develop a strategy for the new working environment.
"Where we can get the most bang for, so to speak, for the buck," He said. "To do the most good for the most people. But you have to do it in an affordable manner."