Impaired driving charges stayed static over the holidays: police
Police encouraging public to continue pressuring drivers not to drink

The number of Sudburians facing impaired charges after the holiday RIDE program is stable compared to last year.
RIDE is an acronym for Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere.
Sudbury Staff Sergeant Rick Waugh said officers stopped more than 7,600 vehicles last month to check for impaired drivers — about 2,000 more than were stopped in December of 2013.
But the number of charges and licence suspensions did not increase.
“We feel we had an impact this year, just by ... being visible out in the community,” he said.
Officers spent more time on the roads this year, both night and day, Waugh said.
“I guess the glass half-full-side of that argument would be, ‘yeah, people are getting the message,’ and that's what we're hoping.”
Inspector Mark Andrews with the provincial police said his officers had the same results this yearl.
But that's not good enough, he said. The public has to increase pressure on drivers not to drink.
“Because if we let up, we're going to lose this battle, and we're going to see more tragedies like we did in 2014,” he said.
Last year in Sudbury, a young hockey player died in a crash caused by a repeat drunk driver.
Greater Sudbury Police Dec. 2014 Festive R.I.D.E. results:
- 7680 — Vehicles checked
- 75 — Roadside Screening tests conducted
- 10 — 3, 7, 30-day licence suspensions issued
- 5 — 90 Day ADLS licence suspensions issued
- 6 — Impaired Driving/Over 80 and Refusal charges laid
- 6 — Other criminal Code charges
- 142 — Highway Traffic Act and other provincial offences issued
- 6 — Standard Field Sobriety tests conducted
***Note: assisted by the Sudbury Ontario Provincial Police during last week of December 2014.
Greater Sudbury Police Dec. 2013 Festive R.I.D.E. results:
- 4436 — Vehicles checked
- 69 — Roadside Screening tests conducted
- 4 — 3, 7, 30-day licence suspensions issued
- 7 — 90 Day ADLS licence suspensions issued
- 5 — Impaired Driving/Over 80 and Refusal charges laid
- 5 — Other Criminal Code charges
- 113 — Highway Traffic Act and other provincial offences issued
- 2 — Standard Field Sobriety tests conducted
Greater Sudbury Police R.I.D.E. results for all of 2014:
- 16132 — Vehicles checked
- 194 — Roadside Screening tests conducted
- 28 — 3, 7, 30-day licence suspensions issued
- 19 — 90 Day ADLS licence suspensions issued
- 20 — Impaired Driving/Over 80 and Refusal charges laid
- 29 — Other Criminal code charges
- 339 — Highway Traffic Act and other provincial offences issued
- 26 — Standard Field Sobriety tests conducted
Greater Sudbury Police R.I.D.E. results for all of 2013:
- 12130 — Vehicles checked
- 237 — Roadside Screening tests conducted
- 28 — 3, 7, 30-day licence suspensions issued
- 17 — 90 Day ADLS licence suspensions issued
- 17 — Impaired Driving/Over 80 and Refusal charges laid
- 12 — Other Criminal code charges
- 331 — Highway Traffic Act and other provincial offences issued
- 0 — Standard Field Sobriety tests conducted
Ontario Provincial Police RIDE results
2014 by Region | People issued warn- range suspensions | People charged with impaired over 80 or refusal | 2013 by Region | People issued warn- range suspensions | People charged with impaired over 80 or refusal |
Central | 95 | 127 | Central | 84 | 124 |
Northwest | 14 | 52 | Northwest | 21 | 43 |
East | 105 | 87 | East | 96 | 116 |
Northeast | 31 | 59 | Northeast | 28 | 59 |
HSD-GTA | 80 | 105 | HSD-GTA | 83 | 96 |
West | 160 | 163 | West | 192 | 149 |
Grand Total | 485 | 593 | Grand Total | 504 | 587 |