Junction Creek found littered with used needles

The annual cleanup of the Junction Creek in Sudbury has yielded some pretty shocking garbage.
Alongside abandoned shopping carts, volunteers found "dozens" of discarded hypodermic needles — some of which were used, and some were still in packages.
Brendan O'Farrell, a spokesperson with the Stewardship Committee, said cleanup volunteers find needles each year, but usually not this many.
"On the bank, they were washed up, they were caught in debris, woody debris, right in the stream," he said. "We were picking them up right off the actual substraight of the stream which is the bottom. And we found used needles actually floating around on the back current of the creek there."
O'Farrell said the committee has its own disposal unit to properly get rid of unsafe trash, such as discarded needles. He added the committee got its own disposal unit after discovering needles in the past.