Kashechewan evacuees to stay in Kapuskasing for 2 years

The 260 people from Kashechewan who had to leave their homes in the spring due to flooding will stay in Kapuskasing for the next two years.
Currently, they are living in hotels in Kapuskasing, but work is underway to find apartments or homes.

The fire chief and emergency management co-ordinator in Kapuskasing said this is the first time the community has made long-term arrangements to host people who can't go back to their homes.
"Right now, it's at the point where … they have to rebuild,” Gerry Demeules said.
“And because of the distance involved, and the remoteness of the village, they need to bring all of the equipment to rebuild via winter roads or by barge. So that's why this project has a timeline of between 18 months to two years."
The Chamber of Commerce in Kapuskasing is collecting donations to create “Welcome Baskets” to help the residents settle into their new homes.
Donations can be dropped off at the chamber office.