Meet the candidates: North Bay
North Bay Mayor Al McDonald is stepping away from municipal politics
In North Bay, three people are running to be the next mayor.
Previous incumbent Al Mcdonald is no longer running, and has left the stage open for a new person to take on the role.
Johanne Brousseau
What are the top three issues you would like to tackle, if elected?
- Community wellbeing, this includes but is not limited to, addictions, homelessness and mental health. They cannot be looked at in isolation
- Innovative infrastructure, such as the repurposing of our downtown in order to create a vibrant and safe environment. This includes the alignment of physical and social infrastructure
- Economic prosperity, sustainability and growth for our existing and future businesses and industries; with the re-opening of the cobalt refinery and the development of the Ring of Fire. Local companies servicing the mining sector will have the opportunity to grow their enterprises
What is your involvement in the community?
50 years of community volunteerism.
23 years of experience sitting on community boards.
For the past four years, as a councillor, I served as Chair of Community Services.
Represented the citizens of North Bay on 18 various community committees and boards.
If elected mayor, what will be your first priority?
To meet with the elected members of council to establish a strong working team with common goals and vision for our city during our term.
Peter Chirico
What are the top three issues you would like to tackle, if elected?
- Clean, green, beautiful and safe North Bay
- Openness, accountability, transparency and culture change within city hall
- Re-imagine and re-invent downtown
What is your involvement in the community?
Vice Chair-One Kids Place/la place des enfants-Childrens Treatment Centre
Vice Chair-Canadore College Board of Governors
NOHFC board member - chair-Film Television and Innovation Committee
Honorary Colonel 22 Wing North Bay
City of North Bay-DIAC Committee, BR & E Red Flag Committee
Chamber Executives of Ontario-Provincial treasurer
Chair - Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program
Board member Northeastern Ontario Tourism Board
If elected mayor, what will be your first priority?
Culture Change at city hall, openness, accountability and transparency.
Leslie McVeety
What are the top three issues you would like to tackle, if elected?
- Homelessness
- Affordable housing
- Making our city safer
What is your involvement in the community?
My job doesn't give me a lot of spare time. I work in home care and spend long hours taking care of seniors. I used to volunteer with a few organizations and would really like to get back into that. I stopped when COVID came and haven't had the opportunity to start again.
If elected mayor, what will be your first priority?
Winter is coming so my first priority is getting the homeless people off the street. Everyone deserves to have a roof over their head.