How meditation can calm the mind and body
How meditation can silence your mind and stop the "chattering monkey"

Do you find it hard to stop your subconscious chatter? Morning North Wellness column contributor Jennifer Dodd says meditation can help — and anyone can do it.
"At first people really have a hard time and they go, oh my gosh, I can't meditate, I can't sit there, I can't sit still," she says.
It can be as simple as taking a walk in the bush. For some people, driving is relaxing and calming.
For those who want to a format to follow, a guided meditation can really help, Dodd says.
During a guided mediation, someone talks you through a visualization, such as walking down a trail and imagining the birds, feeling the sun on your face and taking you to a safe spot.
Click below for a short guided meditation.

For Dodd personally, meditation has played a bigger role than just calming her mind. She was diagnosed with cancer when she was 24 and used meditation to visualize her healing. She said the practice really helped her battle the disease.
Visualization worked for Dodd, but she acknowledges it may be harder for some than others.
Another way to keep the recurring, pesky thoughts at bay is to use a mantra.
A mantra "is something to say to yourself to get yourself back on track, so you are not thinking so much," Dodd says.
Dodd says she takes time every day to sit down and meditate, and is something she now does with her young daughter.