Nominations open for 2018 municipal elections
Candidates have until July 27 to file nomination papers

Would-be mayors, councillors and trustees can begin putting their names forward for this fall's municipal elections.
Anyone looking to run as mayor, city councillor or school board trustee has until July 27 at 2 p.m. to file their nomination papers with a municipal clerk.
Candidates will also have to abide by some new rules, thanks to changes to Ontario's Municipal Elections Act since the last election.
Those looking to run for city council in municipalities with more than 4,000 voters must collect 25 signatures of endorsement.
The limit for campaign contributions has also been increased to $1,200, with a ban on contributions from corporations and unions. There are new rules for third party advertising as well.
Voters in the 110 cities, towns and organized townships across northeastern Ontario go to the polls on October 22.