New bill can help servers keep their tips: NDP
Currently servers make less than minimum wage

The provincial New Democrats want rules around who gets a cut of a server's tips.
The party wants to make sure gratuities earned by servers are kept by the servers, and don't end up in the pockets of others.
This is good news for Sudbury waitress Robyn Guy, who said she once worked at a restaurant that would take a cut of the server's tips and not say where that money was going.
"If you're a hardworking server and you're good at your job you made a decent amount in tips," Guy said. "When that's compromised by somebody else, it's frustrating.
The bill is being advocated for locally by Paul Loewenberg, a former NDP candidate and the manager of a local restaurant. The NDP launched its campaign to promote the bill in Sudbury on Wednesday.
Loewenberg said the bill could be passed in parliament as early as this week — or in the fall when the next session opens.
Servers already receive less than general minimum wage in Ontario: $8.90 an hour versus $10.25.
"This job feeds us, clothes us and moves us around and — when you're making less than minimum wage — you depend on your earnings and tips," Guy said.
It is hoped the bill will help "every employee, especially people making minimum wage," Loewenberg said. "[People] need every opportunity they can get to increase that wage."