North Bay mayor hopes ONTC can help Ring of Fire
The mayor of North Bay is is hoping the conversation about how to get to the Ring of Fire mining region will include the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission.

The ONTC is still in limbo more than a year after the province announced it would be broken up and sold off.
Last week, the province announced a new development corporation will help sort out a transportation link to the Ring of Fire in the far north.
North Bay Mayor Al McDonald wants to see the ONTC included in the plan.
"It's interesting that the government wants to set up this corporation," said McDonald, who sits on a committee advising on the future of the ONTC.
"In the meantime, they are going down the road of divesting another corporation that has served us for 100 years."
Few details have been released on how the new development corporation will decide how to best access the Ring of Fire.