North Bay residents will have to pay for water based on what they use
More than three decades after Sudbury moved to metered water billing, North Bay is making the switch

Residents in North Bay will have to pay for water based on how much they use, starting Sept. 1.
Meters were installed last year, but residents were still charged based on the old fee structure. Right now, people pay based on the number of fixtures in their homes rather than usage.
North Bay city councillor George Maroosis, who chairs the water rate review committee, said it's a system that's more fair to consumers.
"We have an aging population and empty nesters, [and] very often people find themselves in a large home and wouldn't be using a lot of water," he said.
Water meters have already been installed so residents can preview online what their future bills could look like.
Maroosis acknowledged not everyone is happy with the change.
"When they go to our e-portal to see their consumption — and then use the calculator — some people's bills are going up substantially," he said.
"You don't hear from people whose bills are going down."
The city hopes it will lead to more conservation.
Timmins, Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury are already using water metres.
Sudbury's director of water and wastewater, Nick Benkovich, said the the new system tends to lead to less water waste.
"You move people away from the mindset of, if I'm paying a set fee no matter how much I use, then the more I use, the cheaper it gets, to more of a conservation mindset," he said.
North Bay also hopes its metered billing will extend the capacity of the current water treatment system.