North Bay considers backing Timmins for ferrochrome smelter bid

As four northern Ontario cities work to be chosen as the site of a new ferrochrome smelter, a fifth is considering where to put its support.
Noront Resources is in the process of considering where to put its smelter, which would process ore from the Ring of Fire. The multi-million dollar project would bring hundreds of jobs.
North Bay is not bidding for the project, but Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay and Timmins are all in the running.
North Bay city councillor George Maroosis wants his city to support the Timmins bid, and says they wouldn't be the only ones.
Timmins has existing rail infrastructure that he says can be expanded into the Ring of Fire area in the remote part of northern Ontario.
"Well, I think you'll find that there's going to be a number of other communities along the ONTC line that will also back the Timmins bid," Maroosis said.
"I think if they look at it logically, they would understand why we would be supporting Timmins. Unfortunately the ONTC doesn't service Sudbury."
North Bay is home to ONTC headquarters, and Maroosis says any benefits to the Timmins line will benefit his city.
Maroosis is asking North Bay council Tuesday to officially support Timmins as the site for a ferrochrome smelter.