North Bay woman collects toilet paper to donate to food bank

Imagine having to choose between purchasing food or toilet paper.
Last year, North Bay's Ellen Faulkner heard some people in her community were having to make that choice, so she decided to step forward and help.
She started a citizens group, TP North Bay, to collect toilet paper to donate to the local food bank.
Faulker said a lot of businesses have stepped up to help, but she's looking for more donations.
"There's 800 businesses in North Bay. Why can't each one donate a case?" she said.
"If they do, I've got to figure out where I'm going to put all this stuff."
She said she's heard feedback from clients who use the food bank, who have expressed a sense of relief that the product is available at the food bank.
Last year, Faulker collected more than 15,000 rolls of toilet paper. This year, she's hoping her group will collect and donate 25,000 rolls.
"If we do … there's places like the transition house," she said.
"When a woman leaves there, she needs something to start up her own house. They will have toilet paper to help her."
TP North Bay has drop off locations around North Bay every Friday and Saturday to collect donations.