Northeastern Ontario school COVID-19 cases continue to rise
More than 20 cases of COVID-19 have cropped up in northeastern Ontario schools — and that list is continuing to grow.

More than 20 cases of COVID-19 have cropped up in northeastern Ontario schools — and that list is continuing to grow.
The province reported Monday there are 21 cases of COVID-19 in northeast schools, but more cases have been identified by school boards since then.
Currently the schools affected are Francis Clergue and R.M. Moore schools in Sault Ste. Marie, St. Denis, St. David, St. Albert, Marymount and St. Charles schools in Sudbury, and White Woods school in West Nipissing.
This morning Public Health Sudbury and District announced another case of COVID-19 at Marymount Academy, putting the school into outbreak status.
There are also outbreaks at three other schools in Sudbury.