Ontario transfer payments down slightly to northern municipalities
After several years of cuts to the transfer payments, the lighter cheques are not a surprise

Greater Sudbury will receive $3 million less in provincial transfer payments this year.
The city's grant under the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund will be $28 million — a number incoming mayor Brian Bigger said is very close to what the finance department forecast.
And that means his campaign pledge to freeze taxes next year won’t be revised.
"It doesn't have a significant impact on the plans,” Bigger said.
“We're still looking for the efficiencies and ways to deliver a zero or no-tax increase in the first year."
Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay and Timmins will all receive much lighter cheques from the provincial government this year, as well.
After several years of cuts to the transfer payments, the lighter cheques are not a surprise.
The new mayor in Timmins, Steve Black will see about $400,000 less in provincial dollars to work with.
"So, it doesn't come as as big of a shock, it's still hard to adjust."
Sault Ste. Marie's transfer payment will be $1 million lighter, while North Bay will see a $600,000 reduction.
In total, the province is saving $28 million dollars this year through cuts to municipal transfer payments.
Despite these cuts for northeastern Ontario cities, the province said that, under its new funding formula, dozens of cities and towns in Ontario will actually receive fatter cheques in 2015.