Political or religious convictions can affect charitable giving

Giving at this time of year is more complicated than just dropping some money in a Salvation Army kettle.
Potential donors are struggling with the political and religious convictions of some of their favourite charities.
Sudbury resident Chris Swayne said he won't give until he knows what the group stands for.
“Often I do think about the political affiliations if I’m going to donate,” he said.
That is what the Salvation Army is facing this year. An internet campaign has been launched called "no red kettles.” It asks people not to give money to an organization they say is homophobic.
But Salvation Army spokesperson John McAlister disagrees.
“We do not discriminate based on sexual orientation … in the service we provide,” he said.
McAlister acknowledged donations are down for the charity this year.
The Sudbury infant food bank also collects donations. It`s run by a Christian organization that believes life begins at conception.
Petryna Advertising has donated an entire ad campaign to the infant food bank, but wanted religion left out of it.
“We wanted to reach as many people with the campaign as possible,” spokesperson Andryanna Gonko said. “We didn't want anyone to be biased by a Christian campaign.”
Gonko said they want to help collect items for babies in need, without taking a stand on religion or politics.