Sudbury health unit warns of suspected purple heroin in Espanola area
Public Health Sudbury & Districts is warning that purple heroin is suspected in the Espanola area.
Health unit says drug also sold under the name ‘purple’ or ‘purp’

Public Health Sudbury & Districts is warning that purple heroin is suspected in the Espanola area.
It says the drug is heroin mixed with fentanyl or carfentanil and is also sold under the names 'purple' or 'purp.'
Carfentanil is an opioid used by veterinarians for large animals such as elephants. The health unit says it's 100 times stronger than fentanyl. As little as 20 micrograms, or the size of a grain of salt, can be fatal.
The health unit says those who choose to use street drugs shouldn't do so alone, should have a naloxone kit and to call 911 if an overdose is suspected.
Overdose symptoms include:
- blue lips or nails
- dizziness and confusion
- the user can't be woken up
- choking, gurgling or snoring sounds
- slow, weak or no breathing
- drowsiness or difficulty staying awake
Free naloxone kits can be obtained through pharmacies or the health unit.