Restaurant patio permit requests up in Sudbury
More restaurants and cafes are looking to expand onto city sidewalks

Streets in Sudbury could be lined with more patios this summer. The city is reporting that requests are on the rise for outdoor cafe and restaurant space.
The City of Greater Sudbury has received 15 applications so far for patios, up from 10 last year.
Longtime downtown restaurant owner Rob Gregorini said a thriving patio scene is long overdue in Sudbury's core.
"It's a creative way to use our civic real estate in an area that should by and far grow, and be recognized as the cultural and civic centre of our city," he said.
Gregorini owns the Respect Is Burning Supper Club on Durham Street, which is under renovation after a fire. He said he would like to explore adding a patio when the business reopens.
Patio prototype
A new larger sidewalk patio is also being tested in front of Peddler's Pub on Cedar Street. The wooden structure provides a path for pedestrians and extends over two street parking spots.
The business improvement group for Sudbury's downtown said the Peddler's patio could become a model for other restaurants.

"Of all of the comments, whether it's from blogs or Facebook or just chatting with people, probably 95-plus per cent is all really positive," said Maureen Luoma with Downtown Sudbury.
"And it's 'Hey, is there more coming? Can we see more if this starting to happen?'"
The City of Greater Sudbury said the majority of patio permits received this year have already been approved. The rest are pending.