Spring bear hunt won't be back, natural resources minister says
Ministry of Natural Resources working with local officials to help them deal with nuisance bears

Ontario's Minister of Natural Resources says the Liberal government is not considering reinstating the spring bear hunt.
Local politicians and residents have called on the MNR to step back in with bear management and relocation following a rise in nuisance-bear complaints in communities throughout northeastern Ontario this year.

The spring bear hunt was cancelled in 1999 by the Progressive Conservative party.
Having only one hunt a year hasn't led to an increased bear population, Minister David Orazietti said.
"The numbers are relatively stable," he said. "Every year we have a different level of food sources and varying weather conditions affect and do affect the number of nuisance bears we have in various communities."
Orazietti said he has been working with northern communities to help them deal with their bear problems.
He said the Liberal government expanded the fall bear hunt when it came into power to issue more licences and better control the animal population.
"I'm working with our ministry staff to look at options and deal with specific issues and areas and communities where nuisance bears are more prevalent," he said. "You may hear more about that in the next short while."
The minister said he has met with a number of municipal leaders this summer to try and develop local bear strategies, such as providing more MNR support through the Bear Wise bear tip hotline.
Currently the first response to bear calls goes through the OPP.