Sudbury Daystarter: Jumbo Creek flooding closes Hwy 537

SUDBURY: Highway 537 is closed at Jumbo Creek near Wahnapitae because of water over the highway and the potential for washouts.
The Ministry of Transportation keeps an eye on the roads around the clock. Click here and then on the "road conditions" box in the new window to reveal the latest information.
See problems on the roads at highways? Send a note to @Sudburytraffic on Twitter, or phone the CBC Sudbury traffic line 705-670-3191.

TODAY: A mix of sun and cloud for most of the northeast today with highs from 6 C to 9 C. Kapuskasing, Hearst and the James Bay coast can expect cloud with the chance of flurries. Highs for Kapuskasing near 5 C. For Attawapiskat a high of -8 C.
TONIGHT: Overnight lows will range from -1 C to -20 C.
TOMORROW: A mix of sun and cloud with increasing cloud and showers or flurries developing by tomorrow night.
Highs from 1 C to 5 C. Along James Bay, sunshine tomorrow with highs from -7 C to -3 C.
For the latest on weather conditions tune into @MorningNorth live from 6 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. each weekday morning. 99.9FM in Sudbury.

CBC CUTBACKS: The CBC has announced 657 positions will be eliminated to deal with a budget shortfall, and 13 are in Ontario. Afternoon radio shows outside of Toronto and Ottawa will be regionalized. That means there will be one afternoon show for all of northern Ontario, instead of separate shows in the northeast and northwest. The new afternoon show will broadcast from Sudbury. A new CBC station that was set to open in London, Ontario is not going forward.
TRAILS CLOSE: Snowmobile trails across the region are closed. In Sudbury, grooming operations have stopped and signs have been removed. The trail association says deteriorating snow and ice conditions are making snowmobiling extremely hazardous anywhere.
NO WATER IN MOOSONEE: Residents in the town of Moosonee don't have running water. The public works department says due to a watermain break and recent snow, they're having a hard time locating where it is broken. People can get water at the water plant for sanitary purposes. Water for drinking purposes has to be purchased. The public works department says it's not sure when water will be running again.
For the latest info follow @CBCnewsSudbury on twitter. See breaking news? Call the CBC Sudbury Newsdesk: 705 688-3240.

It could be weeks before the ice finally melts off northern lakes. That's bad news for Laurentian University's rowing team who trains on Sudbury's Lake Ramsey. The CBC's Megan Thomas joined team coach Amanda Schweinbenz at an indoor training session. LISTEN
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