Preferred site for supervised drug consumption site in Sudbury to be chosen this week
There have been five applications to open a supervised drug consumption site in downtown core

The co-ordinator of the Community Drug Strategy in Sudbury says they're close to choosing the preferred site for a supervised drug consumption service — a place where people can use drugs and be monitored for adverse reactions.
Josee Joliat says the group received five applications, and they're pleased with the range of choice.
The non-profit community group Reseau Access Network will make the final decision this week, based on their review of the criteria.
"Supervised consumption services typically have three main rooms, one of that being a service-intake, lobby-type area and a consumption room and a post-consumption room," Joliat said.
"Ideally that's what we were looking for and the ability to add hand - and foot-washing stations."
Joliat says the chosen site will be announced publicly so it's transparent and people can comment.
"Once the final location is determined then we'll make a public call-out. We'll let everyone know what's happening, [through] media, website, emails."
The site will be located somewhere in Sudbury's downtown to make it accessible to people and other services.
"We also want to make sure that this is accessible not only for clients but, as well, if we do need to have paramedics to come on site," Joliat said.
The Reseau Access Network is now visiting potential locations and "meeting with those landlords, just to finalise more details and ... make sure that's a location that properly responds to the need of what these services would would entail."
Listen to Joliat's interview on Morning North CBC.