Sudbury film industry needs northern workers — stat!
Music and Film in Motion says it 'can pretty much find anyone a job with any kind of background'

As more movies are produced, the demand for northerners who serve that industry grows too.
Now she makes her living following film crews all over northern Ontario.
"I had no idea this industry even existed. This is great. It keeps me very, very busy," she said.
These days, she's prepping lunch for the cast and crew of Letterkenny, a TV show being filmed in Hanmer.
A makeup artist on the same TV set, Meagan Edwards, said she's fast-tracked her career with the opportunities she's had up north.
"We're pulling people out of salons and willing to give them those opportunities."
'Transferable' skills
It's Music and Film in Motion's Pierre Bonhomme's job to find those workers.
"There is actually a crew shortage of skilled trained people. There's a lot of transferable skills. I can pretty much find anyone a job with any kind of background."
There are about 75 positions that need to be filled in the region, Bonhomme noted.
MFM's Heather Dahlstrom agreed.
"We're always looking for people with skills that are easily transferrable into the industry — graphics, web design, social media management."
Dahlstrom added they are expecting up to 59 films to be shot in the region this year — the largest number ever.
TV shows and movies can get up to half a million dollars in government funding if they shoot in the north and employ local people on their sets.