Sudbury mayoral candidates Brian Bigger, Jeff Huska reveal donor lists

As the municipal election campaigns hit the home stretch before the vote on Monday, many candidates are wondering about their bank accounts as they try to get their messages out.
This election, a gesture of accountability has become popular with candidates in southern Ontario cities.
Many are releasing their lists of campaign donors before the vote, instead of waiting for the official release in the spring.
So, this week, CBC News asked the Greater Sudbury mayoral hopefuls to share some financial information with the voters.
In response, Brian Bigger posted some figures on his website, showing he's raised about $20,000 and spent $10,000 of his own money.
It also shows Bigger has financial support from many construction and real estate development companies in the city, as well as some prominent Conservatives.
Jeff Huska didn't have a donor list ready to release, but did say that his campaign has raised about $20,000, about half of that from his own pocket.
The John Rodriguez and Ron Dupuis camps say they'll follow the regular process and file their financial reports with the city in the spring.
While, representatives from the Dan Melanson campaign say this late in the campaign, they can't spare volunteers to put together financial reports.
These numbers don't reflect the final cost of the campaigns and the candidates still have a few months to raise funds.
In 2010, Marianne Matichuk spent a record $111,000 for her victory, almost as much as all of her competitors combined.