Sudbury Police add early-morning RIDE checks over holidays

Greater Sudbury Police are concerned this holiday season might be a particularly bad one for impaired driving.
Constable Andrew Hinds said both Christmas and New Years fall on or near the weekend, when officers typically see more impaired driving.
"So of course if you combine that time of the week along with the fact that we have the festive parties, you would expect a higher number of impaired drivers on the road," said Hinds.
Police will be conducting RIDE checks over the holidays both in the evening and in the early morning. Hinds said a common issue is that people drink, but sleep for just a few hours before getting behind the wheel.
"One thing that people don't think about is they drink to all hours of the night, get 2 or 3 hours of sleep, and figure they're fine. But that alcohol is still in their system, and they're still impaired by that alcohol." said Hinds.