Sudbury police to get 35 Tasers

Uniformed police officers in Sudbury now have another tool in their arsenal.
Chief Paul Pedersen said some front-line officers have Tasers now and, within two months, all officers will have one.
Pedersen says that doesn't mean all 270 officers will have their own personal stun gun. He said they've purchased 35.
“When the officers are finished their shift, they actually hand their conducted energy weapon over [to the officers] going out for the next shift,” he said.
“We're seeing some significant cost savings that way.”
Pedersen lobbied for the province to change the rule that stated only supervisors carry stun guns.
He said that has been changed and even plain clothes officers may now carry one.
“The decision on what level of force to use is a split-second decision made at a given point of time,” Pederson continued.
“Sometimes waiting for a supervisor to come, the opportunity to deal with that threat through less-than-lethal options is over and done with.”
Pedersen said some officers will need training but, within two months, every on-duty officer will be equipped with a Taser.