Sudbury Rainbow Mall ponders theatre replacement
Two groups showing interest in movie theatre space, decision expected in spring

The Rainbow Centre Mall in downtown Sudbury is weighing bids this week for a new movie theatre provider, now that two suitors are interested in what is formerly known as Rainbow Cinemas.
About a month ago, CBC News reported a not-for-profit co-op was interested in Rainbow Cinemaa.
The group met with the manager to present a business plan that detailed an idea for a community cinema that would play documentaries, Canadian movies and art house films.
But they're still waiting for feedback on the proposal, the co-chair of the group said.
“We’re not really getting any communication from the mall right now,” Ian Carlyle said. “But we are borderline harassing them for an answer.”
Another group showing interest
The mall’s manager said he’s not trying to be rude, rather, he's simply weighing in another bid for the space.
A firm called Imagine Cinemas recently toured the space, Joe Zito said.
The company already has theatres in Timmins and Leamington and it plays first-run, Hollywood movies.
Zito said both bids are tempting.
“I think the commercial group will bring more people in,” he said. “The not-for-profit group has really terrific ideas. They’re both so different but they’re both really good.”
At this point, Zito said he’s waiting to see which group makes a serious offer first.
“We don’t have a gun to our heads yet [and] I’m not pushing either group,” he said. “We want to have something in place by spring ... at the latest.”
Zito noted the mall has lost patrons since the movie theatres shut down.
The former owners of the Rainbow Cinema are still paying rent on the space until October.