Sudbury 'soup sisters' cook up comfort for Genevra House

The kitchen facility at College Boreal will be hopping this weekend as volunteers with a new group called the Soup Sisters cook up 250 bowls of soup to deliver to a Sudbury women’s shelter.
Kelly Louiseize belongs to Soup Sisters, a new volunteer group in Sudbury that hopes warm bowls of soup will help women fleeing abuse to feel that they are not alone.
"Soup is like hug in a bowl, it brings comfort,” she said. “In our history … it kept many families alive during those times. It has a great sense of home, it has a great sense of comfort and faith and trust.”

The Sudbury chapter is part the national Soup Sisters organization.
“It's an organization that we hope [will] gain momentum here in this city,” Louiseize said.
“It establishes a good bond between the soup makers within the kitchen and that obviously extends out to the Genevra House.”
Louiseize said the Soup Sisters plan to meet once a month to make soup for women and children staying at Genevra House in Sudbury.